
Oasis Community Church, just outside Lexington, KY, is looking for a full-time lead pastor. We seek someone who shares our mission to make followers of Christ as we follow Christ in all that we think, say, and do. This pastor will search out the lost, cherish and admonish the Body of Christ, be faithful in studying and teaching the Bible, and strive to develop new leaders within the church. We are looking for someone who is or will be an ordained minister in the RNOC (Rosedale Network of Churches).

For a full description, additional information, and application, see our website https://oasiscommunitychurch.org/employment/ and email the search committee members at oasispastoralsearch@gmail.com

About Oasis Community Church

• Oasis was founded in 1996 as Lexington Mennonite Church

• Oasis draws congregants from the Lexington and Nicholasville region of Kentucky, which is thriving economically. This metro area is known for its horses (“The horse capital of the world”), bourbon, and college sports, and hosts flourishing institutions such as the University of Kentucky and several large hospital systems

• Oasis has an average Sunday-morning attendance of about 70 people

• The Oasis church building is situated on a beautiful five-acre tract of land between Lexington and Nicholasville, with easy access to both cities. This property is owned by Oasis and is debt-free